1. Preface
As a centre approved to deliver the qualifications for OCN awarding body, it is the responsibility of Discipling the Nations College (DtN) to provide an effective policy and supporting procedure for the internal verification for all certificated awards offered.
2. Scope
The policy guides all Internal Verification required for certificated courses offered by Discipling the Nations College.
3. Policy Statement
As a centre approved to run OCN qualifications, it is DtN’s responsibility to ensure that all our provision is current and able to meet the needs of our clients
All assessed units and awards presented for certification must meet the requirements of the Internal Verification Procedure as well as the specific requirements of the awarding body in the context of external verification or monitoring.
DtN needs to demonstrate confidence that all assessments undertaken by its learners are valid, accurate, consistent, repeatable and reliable.
The Internal Verification Procedure gives structure to assessment checking, provision of evidence and maintaining standards.
An assessor cannot internally verify their own work.
An Internal Verifier (IV) is required to be subject competent to the appropriate level and to be ‘working towards’ or will have achieved assessor/verifier qualifications when required by awarding body regulations. When required this should be achieved within18 months of being appointed as an IV or assessor.
4. Responsibilities
The principal is responsible for the implementation of this policy.
The Senior Lecturer is responsible for monitoring compliance with the policy and managing the liaison between internal verifiers and the awarding body’s external verifiers.
The member of staff with responsibility for quality assurance is responsible for the distribution of summative assessment material supplied by awarding bodies and ensuring internal verifier coverage for all College delivered awards.
The Principal and the Senior Lecturer are responsible for the management of the verification groups, the appointment of internal verifiers, and working with the Head/Lead Internal Verifier the management and security of internal verification records.
The Internal verifiers are responsible for ensuring that assessment instruments and decisions are valid, accurate, consistent, repeatable and reliable.
Academic Staff (assessors) are responsible for delivery and the marking of the assessments and providing work to be sampled.
Related Documents such as a detailed procedure and a range of forms and templates are to be used in the implementation of this policy. These can be found with the Senior Lecturer.
5. Internal Verification Procedure
a) Internal verifier and assessors will agree a date by which learners’ folders will be ready for internal verification.
b) Internal verifier’s sample will consist of special cases (those for whom adjustments have been made), a range of male and female, and where group work has been part of the assessment, a range of folders from across the groups. The sample will consist of 10% of the total number of folders, or 5 folders, whichever is greater.
c) Internal verifier will complete the ‘IV Sample’ form for each course being internally verified.
d) Internal verifier will complete a ‘Feedback to assessors and tutors’ form for each course being verified and will email to assessors/tutors.
e) Assessors/Tutors will action any points raised.