Unit 02 Grief and Loss

Description – provides an understanding of the grief experienced when people lose someone they love. It is almost impossible for humans to experience loss without feeling grief. This is intended to help the chaplain understand the process of grief and loss.

Learning OutcomeAssessment Criteria
The learner will:The learner can:
Understand the influence of culture and society on how individuals experience loss and grief.Describe the influence of culture and society on how individuals experience loss and grief.
Understand the common individual and gender differences in the grieving process.Identify the common individual and gender differences in the grieving process.
Understand the characteristics of a complicated grieving process.Explain the characteristics of a complicated grieving process.
Understand the purpose of anticipatory grief and bereavement.Describe the purposes of anticipatory grief and bereavement of families and significant others.
Identify appropriate and inappropriate helping behaviours when caring for the bereavedConsider appropriate and inappropriate helping behaviours when caring for the bereaved
Identify loss- and grief-oriented rituals useful in clinical practice.Explain loss- and grief-oriented rituals useful in clinical practice.
Understand the relationship between personal attitudes and experiences and one’s effectiveness in intervening with individuals and families experiencing death, dying, loss, and griefDescribe the relationship between personal attitudes and experiences and one’s effectiveness in intervening with individuals and families experiencing death, dying, loss, and grief


Word CountExternal References
Level 320004
Level 425006
Level 530008

Outline of the report:

  • Introduce the concept of grief and loss
  • Describe the influence of a person’s belief, culture or family on how they may grieve
  • Outline the different stages people may experience when going through grief and loss, giving attention to how the process may begin before end of life
  • Identify any factors that may help or complicate the process of grief and loss
  • Identify both appropriate and inappropriate behaviours when supporting someone who is bereaved
  • Reflect on how your own experiences of grief and loss may both help and hinder you when you are supporting others
  • From all you have discussed above – how has this changed your concept of supporting those experiencing grief and loss