Unit 05 Chaplaincy Principles

Description – outlines its historical beginnings, discovering the role of the Chaplain in modern chaplaincy and the social need which is fulfilled.

Learning OutcomeAssessment Criteria
The learner will:The learner can:
Understand the nature of chaplaincy and the role of chaplainsExplore the nature of chaplaincy and the role of chaplains Outline the types and context in which a chaplain could be found
Understand foundational theological principles for chaplains as a Christian ministryExamine foundational theological principles for chaplains as a Christian ministry
Understand the contexts of chaplaincyIdentify the main distinguishing features of different contexts of chaplaincy, and described their underlying ethos
Consider one’s own philosophy of chaplaincy.Reflect upon which sphere of chaplaincy would best suit their own vision and personality.

Report 1:

Word count: 500

  • Write your understanding of the role of a chaplain

Report 2:

Word count: 750

  • Explain the role of chaplaincy from a scriptural perspective

Report 3:

Word count: 750

  • Reflect on the differing contexts of chaplaincy from what you have heard so far and what you read in your study and suggest how you might use different approaches depending on the context