Unit 07 Understanding Mental Health

Description – Mental Health is a general term for a group of illnesses that may impact on a person’s thoughts, perceptions, feelings and behaviours. It can affect working and personal relationships.

Learning OutcomeAssessment Criteria
The learner will:The learner can:
Understand the variety of conditions which is covered by the term “Mental Health”Define current understanding of “Mental Health”.Describe a range of conditions which can be labelled Mental Health issues.
Evaluate the influence of social, political and cultural factors in relation to Mental Health Explain the influence of social, political and cultural factors in relation to “Mental Health”
Develop self-awareness in ministry in relation to mental health.Recognise areas of personal ability and deficits through relative practice, and personally develop in the context of ministry.
Understand possible issues in mental health and be able to signpost an individual to receive help.Discuss possible issues in mental health and demonstrate how to signpost an individual to receive help


Word CountExternal References
Level 320004
Level 425006
Level 530008


  • Define current understanding of “Mental Health”.
  • Describe a range of conditions which can be labelled Mental Health issues.
  • Explain the influence of social, political and cultural factors in relation to “Mental Health”
  • Recognise areas of personal ability and deficits through relative practice, and personally develop in the context of ministry.
  • Discuss possible issues in mental health and demonstrate how to signpost an individual to receive help