Unit 09 Pastoral Theology

Description – is the application of theological truth to all of life, particularly the life and work of the church.  While the other theological disciplines are oriented toward understanding God, his work in history, and his revelation in Christ, practical theology concerns our participation with God in the work of bringing that revelation to the church and the world.

Learning OutcomeAssessment Criteria
The learner will:The learner can:
Understand the scriptural and historic basis for a team approach to pastoral issues.Discuss the scriptural and historic basis for a team approach to pastoral issues.
Understand the balance between ethical and biblical approaches to pastoral care issues.Discuss the balance between ethical and biblical approaches to pastoral care issues.
Be able to use biblical decision-making techniques to evaluate and solve problems within your pastoral remit.Apply simple decision-making techniques to pastoral problems.Evaluate possible options for pastoral problems and arrive at effective solutions (could be sign posting).


Word CountExternal References
Level 320004
Level 425006
Level 530008


  • Discuss the scriptural and historic basis for a team approach to pastoral issues.
  • Discuss the balance between ethical and biblical approaches to pastoral care issues.
  • Apply simple decision-making techniques to pastoral problems.
  • Evaluate possible options for pastoral problems and arrive at effective solutions (could be sign posting).