Unit 10 Bible Doctrines

Description – doctrine isn’t just for theologians but is important for every Christian as it shows us who God is and how we should live.  This course is intended to provide every believer with a solid foundation for what we believe, why and answering difficult life questions.

  • Theology of God the Father
  • Theology of Christ
  • Theology of the Holy Spirit
  • Theology of Salvation (includes holiness)
  • Theology of the Church
  • Theology of Mankind

Pastoral Theology

  • Biblical perspective of suffering
  • Theology of need
Learning OutcomeAssessment Criteria
The learner will:The learner can:
Understand the main doctrines of the Christian faith, their biblical basis and historical development.Understand how historic discussion impacts on the contemporary churchAnalyse the historical development of the main doctrines of the Christian faith.
Understand divergent views of the main doctrines of the Christian faith.Evaluate divergent views of the main Christian doctrines.Comment critically on divergent views of the main Christian doctrines
Understand the practical outworking of doctrines in a church context.Critically analyse the practical outworking of doctrines in the church or ministry context.
Understand how historic discussion impacts on the contemporary church.Evaluate how historic discussion impacts on the contemporary church.


Word CountExternal References
Level 320004
Level 425006
Level 530008


  • Understand how historic discussion impacts on the contemporary church
  • Analyse the historical development of the main doctrines of the Christian faith.
  • Evaluate divergent views of the main Christian doctrines.
  • Comment critically on divergent views of the main Christian doctrines
  • Critically analyse the practical outworking of doctrines in the church or ministry context.
  • Evaluate how historic discussion impacts on the contemporary church.